The Great Gatsby (2013) is a film adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel, set in Long Island and written in 1925. The film, directed by Baz Lurhmann, was released 10th May 2013, and was distributed by Warner Bros Picture and Entertainment Company in 2D and 3D. The film had an estimated budget of $105,000,000 and grossed over $331,000,000. This proves to be Lurhmann’s highest grossing film to date, and the success of the film is put largely down to how well it promoted itself.
A big selling point of the film is the actors who are in it. Academy Award nominated Leonardo DiCaprio and Oscar nominee’s Carey Mulligan and Isla Fisher all star in the film adaptation of the legendary novel, which was one of the films unique selling points. The original book was, at first, not very successful, but during World War 2 it saw a revival, and became one of the greatest works of American literature. The fact that the book is so respected would attract people to go and see the film version, to see how it has been adapted visually.
The first trailer for The Great Gatsby was released a year before the actual film, which created a lot of hype for the film, as you had to wait longer to see it. The trailer featured music from Jay-Z, Beyonce, Andre 3000 and Lana Del Rey; all popular and current artists. This was a huge contrast, as the film is set in the 1920’s, and yet it features R&B music from the 21st Century. The soundtrack for the film proved to be very popular and was therefore sold alongside the actual film, and therefore promoting it. There was also various clothing lines named after the film such as ‘The Great Gatsby Collection’ by Brooks Brother. Tiffany and Co. also unveiled a collection based around the film at the iconic Fifth Avenue store. The amount of promoting and publicity that the film got was unbelievable, as the majority of it was before it was even released, but it proved to be extremely effective, based on the profit it made.