Project X is a 2012 comedy film directed by Nima Nourizadeh and written by Michael Bacall, Matt Drake and produced by director Todd Phillips. The plot follows three friends—Thomas (Thomas Mann), Costa (Oliver Cooper) and J.B. (Jonathan Daniel Brown)—who throw a big, out of control party in order to gain popularity. The filming for Project X took place over 5 weeks in Los Angeles with a budget of $12 million. It is filmed as a ‘home video’ to make the audience feel as though they actually attended the ‘legendary’ party.
Project X held its world premiere on February 29, 2012, at the Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, followed by an after party with performances by Kid Cudi, Tyler The Creator, and The Hundred in the Hands. During its box office run, the film grossed $54,731,865 in North America and $48,000,000 from markets elsewhere – a worldwide total of $102,731,865, exceeding expectations that it would finish with a gross in the mid to high teens.
The film was produced my Green Hat Films and Silver Pictures, but distributed by companies including Warner Bros. and Warner Home Videos.
The movie poster used to promote the film shows a large group of people dancing in the background, while three males lie on the floor at the front. The person in the middle in holding his hand in the air, like a sign of victory. The slogan “The party you’ve only dreamed about” creates intrigue, as it would make people wonder what makes the party so good, and it also feels as if you are being invited to a party, opposed to just going to watch a film. The poster also mentions that the director of the film also produced a well-known, popular film called The Hangover. This would also attract people to watch the film as The Hangover was a huge success, and is of a similar genre, meaning if you liked The Hangover, chances are you’ll like Project X too. The poster also includes ‘inside jokes’, for example the cup that the boy is holding up, and the dog that is tied to the balloons. This would entice people to watch the film, as they would want to get in on the ‘inside joke’, almost like a club
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